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Friday, December 28, 2012


IEEE Java Project - Clustering with Multi-Viewpoint based Similarity Measure

  • Friday, December 28, 2012
  • prakash chalumuri
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  • Clustering with Multi-Viewpoint based
    Similarity Measure


    All clustering methods have to assume some cluster relationship among the data objects that they are applied on. Similarity between a pair of objects can be defined either explicitly or implicitly. In this paper, we introduce a novel multi-viewpoint based similarity measure and two related clustering methods. The major difference between a traditional dissimilarity/similarity measure and ours is that the former uses only a single viewpoint, which is the origin, while the latter utilizes many different viewpoints, which are objects assumed to not be in the same cluster with the two objects being measured. Using multiple viewpoints, more informative assessment of similarity could be achieved. Theoretical analysis and empirical study are conducted to support this claim. Two criterion functions for document clustering are proposed based on this new measure. We compare them with several well-known clustering algorithms that use other popular similarity measures on various document collections to verify the advantages of our proposal.

    ·        Clustering is one of the most interesting and important topics in data mining. The aim of clustering is to find intrinsic structures in data, and organize them into meaningful subgroups for further study and analysis. There have been many clustering algorithms published every year.

    ·        Existing Systems greedily picks the next frequent item set which represent the next cluster to minimize the overlapping between the documents that contain both the item set and some remaining item sets.

    ·        In other words, the clustering result depends on the order of picking up the item sets, which in turns depends on the greedy heuristic. This method does not follow a sequential order of selecting clusters. Instead, we assign documents to the best cluster.

    ·        The main work is to develop a novel hierarchal algorithm for document clustering which provides maximum efficiency and performance.

    ·        It is particularly focused in studying and making use of cluster overlapping phenomenon to design cluster merging criteria. Proposing a new way to compute the overlap rate in order to improve time efficiency and “the veracity” is mainly concentrated. Based on the Hierarchical Clustering Method, the usage of Expectation-Maximization (EM) algorithm in the Gaussian Mixture Model to count the parameters and make the two sub-clusters combined when their overlap is the largest is narrated.

    ·        Experiments in both public data and document clustering data show that this approach can improve the efficiency of clustering and save computing time.

    Given a data set satisfying the distribution of a mixture of Gaussians, the degree of overlap between components affects the number of clusters “perceived” by a human operator or detected by a clustering algorithm. In other words, there may be a significant difference between intuitively defined clusters and the true clusters corresponding to the components in the mixture.

    ·        HTML PARSER
    ·        CLUSTERING

    HTML Parser

    ·        Parsing is the first step done when the document enters the process state.
    ·        Parsing is defined as the separation or identification of meta tags in a HTML document.
    ·        Here, the raw HTML file is read and it is parsed through all the nodes in the tree structure.

    Cumulative Document

    ·        The cumulative document is the sum of all the documents, containing meta-tags from all the documents.
    ·        We find the references (to other pages) in the input base document and read other documents and then find references in them and so on.
    ·        Thus in all the documents their meta-tags are identified, starting from the base document.

    Document Similarity
    ·        The similarity between two documents is found by the cosine-similarity measure technique.
    ·        The weights in the cosine-similarity are found from the TF-IDF measure between the phrases (meta-tags) of the two documents.
    ·        This is done by computing the term weights involved.
    ·        TF = C / T
    ·        IDF = D / DF.

    D à quotient of the total number of documents
    DF à number of times each word is found in the entire corpus

    C à quotient of no of times a word appears in each document
    T à total number of words in the document
    ·     TFIDF = TF * IDF

    ·        Clustering is a division of data into groups of similar objects.
    ·        Representing the data by fewer clusters necessarily loses certain fine details, but achieves simplification.
    The similar documents are grouped together in a cluster, if their cosine similarity measure is less than a specified threshold


             System                 : Pentium IV 2.4 GHz.
             Hard Disk            : 40 GB.
             Floppy Drive       : 1.44 Mb.
             Monitor                : 15 VGA Colour.
             Mouse                  : Logitech.
             Ram                     : 512 Mb.


             Operating system           : - Windows XP.
             Coding Language           : - JAVA
    Duc Thang Nguyen, Lihui Chen and Chee Keong Chan, “Clustering with Multi-Viewpoint based Similarity Measure”, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON KNOWLEDGE AND DATA ENGINEERING, VOL. 24, NO. 6, JUNE 2012.

    3 Responses to “IEEE Java Project - Clustering with Multi-Viewpoint based Similarity Measure”

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